now I’m sad :(

What I had hopped for was an elaborate story. I wanted depth. I wanted something to challenge the viewer. I wanted the viewer to think that just when they had the plot under wraps and they knew what was happening, we threw them for a loop and shocked them with the, “Ah Ha,” moment. But that’s all gone. That idea that I could create something like that. This god forsaken BeerVirus has taken that away from me. So now we are back to square one. Thinking of an idea. Rhea and I FaceTimed for over and hour and a half today and we came up with nothing. Well actually we came up with two ideas.

I had gone back to my note of story ideas and found one using the butterfly effect but Rhea thought it was still too complex of a story. She had come up with a more simple idea of a girl who goes through a breakup and uses nature as her get away and she kind of, “becomes one with nature.” I kind of hated it. But I had to go to work so we said we would resume the call tomorrow. I’ll keep you all updated.

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For the last time...

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