And after that was completed we started to look at screenplay writing. It was then that my film teacher, Eric Hengee, introduced me to the website .
The last time I had used it was actually about two years ago though when I had wrote a screenplay for a short film I wanted to do but never got around to finishing. And when I went on I got to look at the project I had created from film 1. The beautiful screenplay I had wrote in 8th grade. And after skimming it I realized...
What a piece of crap it was. Hey give me a break it was eighth grade. But the formatting was near perfect. The website makes everything a lot easier with making scripts and I figured it would be the best resource for Rhea and I do we could create a script. And know and behold that right after I had the epiphany Stoklosa introduces the class to the website.
So for our film we will be using Celtx in all its glory. This of course isn’t my first time writing a screenplay as I mentioned but something tells me this will be a lot better than the self proclaimed Oscar winning film, that didn’t even get a name, that I had created in with grade. More to come on my screenplay writing soon. Have a great day!
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